National Partnerships

​Baptist Union of Great Britain The Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) is the Baptist family in England and Wales. It is made up of churches, regional associations and Baptist colleges. The union works with others in mission locally, regionally and internationally.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) in partnership with CAP, we run their money Management courses and have access to their debt counselling service. If you want details of our next course, you can find them here.
Evangelical Alliance​ ​​​are the largest and oldest body representing the UK's two million evangelical Christians. For more than 165 years, they have been bringing Christians together and helping them listen to, and be heard by, the government, media and society.​
​​Parish Nursing Ministries UK is a Christian charity which helps local churches appoint nurses, who in turn support people and communities towards whole person healthcare. This is care for the person's overall well-being, incorporating body, mind and spirit.
Celebrate Recovery UK is a national organisation that we partner with through the running of our Celebrate Recovery programme